- A Little Birdie Told Me (1)
- A Simply Sassy Scrap Creation (1)
- Acid Rock (1)
- Americana (1)
- Angels Above (1)
- Arthur Crowe (2)
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- Awards (3)
- Black Widow poser (1)
- blinkie (1)
- Blue Christmas (1)
- Buried Treasure (1)
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- Celiste poser (1)
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- Christmas (1)
- Clover (1)
- Cluster Frame (1)
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- Enchanted Grace (1)
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- Fairy Whispers (1)
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- Georgetta Cartrite (1)
- Goddess of Desires (1)
- Gothess (1)
- Horseplay's Pasture (1)
- jazzy (1)
- Justice Vampire Scrapkit (1)
- Kris (2)
- Kristen (1)
- Kymaleigh poser (1)
- Love Is (1)
- Love or Lust scrapkit (1)
- Mama's Garden (2)
- Masquerade Ball (1)
- MIZCT (1)
- MPT (1)
- Mystical Garden scrapkit (1)
- Mystical Illusionz (2)
- Mystical-Illusionz (4)
- Opposites Attract-Dark (1)
- Pink Frolic (1)
- PPC (1)
- PSP Asylum (1)
- PTE (1)
- Ramblings (1)
- Ride A Cowboy (1)
- Rock n Roll University Scrapkit (1)
- Samantha the Sassy (1)
- Santa Claus Lane (1)
- Sassy (9)
- scrapkits (1)
- scrapping (1)
- Shani (9)
- star-gazermusings (1)
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- The PSP Project (1)
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- Wendy Gerber (1)
- Wicked Princess (15)
- Wicked Princess Scraps (5)
Sunday, September 16, 2012
12:09 PM | Posted by
Unknown |
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Well I've finally ventured into the world of Digital Scrapping. My new venture is very satisfying and quite engrossing. I have been blessed to have picked up by two stores, Designer Scraps and Whimsical Divas. I do hope you'll drop by my new blog, A Simply Sassy Scrap Creation, and have a look at what I've created thus far. I have some freebies on my blog as well and, if you are so moved, please drop by my stores and buy a kit or two.
My addiction to CU items needs funding! LOL
Here's my new blinkie it will be up on the side panel as well. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Fairy Whispers
9:13 AM | Posted by
Unknown |
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I created this lovely tag using Wicked Princess Scraps PTU kit "Fairy Whispers". Make sure you check out this kit, it's ADORABLE!! This kit is an exclusive! You'll only find it at The PSP Project. Enjoy
Thursday, March 8, 2012
8:10 AM | Posted by
Unknown |
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Use the lovely kit "Clover" by Mystical Illusionz. You can find her kit HERE. Click the tag to see it fullsize. Thanks for looking! Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
8:26 PM | Posted by
Unknown |
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I totally forgot to post this tag I recently made using scrapkit "Gothess" by Wicked Princess. To see the full sized tag, just click! Enjoy!
Enchanted Grace
8:04 PM | Posted by
Unknown |
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I created this tag using Wicked Princess' scrapkit called "Enchanted Grace" which you can find HERE. To see the tag full sized, just click on it. Enjoy!
"Blue Christmas"
7:56 PM | Posted by
Unknown |
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This is a gorgeous new kit by Mystical Illusionz called "Blue Christmas" which you can buy right HERE . To see the full sized tag, just click it! Enjoy!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
New tag and kit!
12:57 PM | Posted by
Unknown |
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Here's a lil taggie I did using MIZ's "Santa Claus Lane" kit.
To see the full tag, just click it and thanks for looking!
Friday, October 28, 2011
I recieved another award from TWO friends!
1:56 PM | Posted by
Unknown |
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My wonderful friends Sami and SharonB both
sent me this award:
The Beauti♥Licious Award
They are both just so precious to me.
You can find Sami here...
You can find SharonB here...
This award is for the Beautiful Women (and Men)
who grace us with their talents in the Tagger Community.
The intent of this award is to pass it on to the Designer,
Tagger, or Artist who has inspired you with their endless
talent and who has touched your heart. There are many out there.
Let's see how many we can show some love to..
who grace us with their talents in the Tagger Community.
The intent of this award is to pass it on to the Designer,
Tagger, or Artist who has inspired you with their endless
talent and who has touched your heart. There are many out there.
Let's see how many we can show some love to..
I choose to pass this on to the following..
Please share this beautiful award to those
that are beautiful in your life!
I got another award!!
1:00 PM | Posted by
Unknown |
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I finally checked my Blog *bad me bad me!!* and discovered I had not 1 but 2
Awards from my wonderful friends Sami and SharonB!!
Thank you ladies... I am so ... wowed! LOL That's it.. than and humbled.
Blessings be to both of you and all those you've touched. ♥♥♥
This award is for the Beautiful Women (and Men) Let's see how far we can pass this on.
Alikas Scraps
Carmins Chaotic Creations
Tasha's Playground
Once you have received this award
Please pass it on to five friends that have touched you
in some way to show them some love as well.
♥♥♥ Thank you again Sami and SharonB ♥♥♥
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
New tags, some babble and some new directions...
8:18 PM | Posted by
Unknown |
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Hey there fellow blog walker/roamers. I haven't really abandonded my blog but there will be some changes forthcoming. Oh not to worry, those that just can't live without my latest creations *falls over laffin* yeah yeah... I know... too funny that! Ok... so I'll still be posting my creations whatever they may be as well as posting my babble and thoughts and ideas. I've been wanting to use my blog as a place to put down my thoughts, leave my bits of wisdom, store my ideas, dreams and teachings. Life has taught me many things and I think, that in this huge world we live in, we need to share our wisdoms, our teachings, our learnings as it were. We don't accumulate and 'know' all our stuff just to keep to ourselves. I think we are bound to share it, we are obligated, in a way, to spread the knowledge and the things we learn. We don't all have extended families or large families so we don't necessarily have the loved ones around us to pass our knowledge and wisdom on to. I don't think that those dreams, teachings, ideas, learned bits and pieces should just pass along with us. Wasted energy in any form is not a good thing. And trust me, learning all the stuff I learned, took a lot of energy!
So watch this space for future ramblings and chatters and blatherings...
I have a lot to share!
For now though, it's some of my latest tags... enjoy!
I created this one as a challenge for PPC.. I really like the results.
This was a really kewl animated tut I followed. I love the results.
Make sure you click the tag to see the full animation.
You can find the tut at Forum Style XII - vixpsp.
Then I made this tag using the scrapkit by Wicked Princess
called "Every Day Lady". It's really beautiful.
I do hope you'll get that one to work with.
I have a couple more but those I'll post tomorrow.
As for now, I need to lay this body down and rest.
Sleep well my friends, and I'll talk to you again tomorrow.
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Hello! I'm Sassy. I'm a SAHW happily married to the man who's absolutely my soulmate. I've been PSP'ing for about 20 yrs. Most of it was hit and miss as there was not a real tagging world out there in the beginning. I started with JASC PSP v.1.01, yeah, back when dirt was still in BETA =) I love creating, be it tags, webpages, blog layouts, timeline headers and making my own blinkies. I've just recently started creating digital scrapkits. I'm having fun and my creativity has gotten the boost it needed. I am a happy CT Manager for Wicked Princess of WP Scraps fame and glory. Want to know anything else, just hollar! I might even answer! ;)
Here's my blinkie, if you want it, snag it. If you'd like to see your blinking on my page, send it to me! Enjoy!

*HUGS*n*BLESSINGS* to all! ♥ ♥ ♥
Here's my blinkie, if you want it, snag it. If you'd like to see your blinking on my page, send it to me! Enjoy!

*HUGS*n*BLESSINGS* to all! ♥ ♥ ♥
