Monday, April 25, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Good morning!!

Well if you've been here before, you'll notice there is quite a change!  I'll be reuploading the tags I made for my honeygirl Shani over at Scrappetizing where she sells her scrapkits.  You can see some of the tags that have been created for her using her kits at Wicked Princess Gallery.  She's an amazing creator and I am proud to be one of her CT members.  Welp, time to start the uploading, so stand back, this could get messy *giggles*  :)  Make sure you check back.  You never know what I'll be doing next!  Hey, why not become one of my "stalkers", then you can stop by to see me really easy peasy! Kewls! TTYL! *HUGS*


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Hello! I'm Sassy. I'm a SAHW happily married to the man who's absolutely my soulmate. I've been PSP'ing for about 20 yrs. Most of it was hit and miss as there was not a real tagging world out there in the beginning. I started with JASC PSP v.1.01, yeah, back when dirt was still in BETA =) I love creating, be it tags, webpages, blog layouts, timeline headers and making my own blinkies. I've just recently started creating digital scrapkits. I'm having fun and my creativity has gotten the boost it needed. I am a happy CT Manager for Wicked Princess of WP Scraps fame and glory. Want to know anything else, just hollar! I might even answer! ;)

Here's my blinkie, if you want it, snag it. If you'd like to see your blinking on my page, send it to me! Enjoy!

*HUGS*n*BLESSINGS* to all! ♥ ♥ ♥
