Tuesday, November 22, 2011

PostHeaderIcon "Gothess"

I totally forgot to post this tag I recently made using scrapkit "Gothess" by Wicked Princess. To see the full sized tag, just click!  Enjoy!

PostHeaderIcon Enchanted Grace

I created this tag using Wicked Princess' scrapkit called "Enchanted Grace" which you can find HERE. To see the tag full sized, just click on it.  Enjoy!

PostHeaderIcon "Blue Christmas"

This is a gorgeous new kit by Mystical Illusionz called "Blue Christmas" which you can buy right HERE .   To see the full sized tag, just click it!  Enjoy!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

PostHeaderIcon New tag and kit!

Here's a lil taggie I did using MIZ's "Santa Claus Lane" kit.
To see the full tag, just click it and thanks for looking!

Friday, October 28, 2011

PostHeaderIcon I recieved another award from TWO friends!

My wonderful friends Sami and SharonB both
sent me this award:
The Beauti♥Licious Award
They are both just so precious to me.
You can find Sami here...
You can find SharonB here...
This award is for the Beautiful Women (and Men)
who grace us with their talents in the Tagger Community.
The intent of this award is to pass it on to the Designer,
Tagger, or Artist who has inspired you with their endless
talent and who has touched your heart. There are many out there.
Let's see how many we can show some love to..
I choose to pass this on to the following..
Please share this beautiful award to those
that are beautiful in your life!

PostHeaderIcon I got another award!!

I finally checked my Blog *bad me bad me!!* and discovered I had not 1 but 2
Awards from my wonderful friends Sami and SharonB!!
Thank you ladies... I am so ... wowed! LOL That's it.. than and humbled.
Blessings be to both of you and all those you've touched. ♥♥♥

This award is for the Beautiful Women (and Men) 
who grace us with their talents in the Tagger Community. 
The intent of this award is to pass it on to the 
Designer, Tagger, or Artist who has inspired you 
with their endless talent and who have touched your heart.
There are many out there.
Let's see how far we can pass this on.

I received this award from my sweetipe, Sami...

My precious friend SharonB,
also gave me this award!
I choose to pass this on to the following BEAUTIFUL people:
Alikas Scraps
Carmins Chaotic Creations
Tasha's Playground

 Once you have received this award
Please pass it on to five friends that have touched you
in some way to show them some love as well.
♥♥♥ Thank you again Sami and SharonB ♥♥♥

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

PostHeaderIcon New tags, some babble and some new directions...

Hey there fellow blog walker/roamers.  I haven't really abandonded my blog but there will be some changes forthcoming.  Oh not to worry, those that just can't live without my latest creations *falls over laffin* yeah yeah... I know... too funny that!  Ok... so I'll still be posting my creations whatever they may be as well as posting my babble and thoughts and ideas. I've been wanting to use my blog as a place to put down my thoughts, leave my bits of wisdom, store my ideas, dreams and teachings.  Life has taught me many things and I think, that in this huge world we live in, we need to share our wisdoms, our teachings, our learnings as it were.  We don't accumulate and 'know' all our stuff just to keep to ourselves.  I think we are bound to share it, we are obligated, in a way, to spread the knowledge and the things we learn.  We don't all have extended families or large families so we don't necessarily have the loved ones around us to pass our knowledge and wisdom on to.  I don't think that those dreams, teachings, ideas, learned bits and pieces should just pass along with us.  Wasted energy in any form is not a good thing.  And trust me, learning all the stuff I learned, took a lot of energy!

So watch this space for future ramblings and chatters and blatherings... 
I have a lot to share!
For now though, it's some of my latest tags... enjoy!
  I created this one as a challenge for PPC.. I really like the results.

This was a really kewl animated tut I followed.  I love the results.
Make sure you click the tag to see the full animation.
You can find the tut at Forum Style XII - vixpsp.

Then I made this tag using the scrapkit by Wicked Princess 
called "Every Day Lady".  It's really beautiful.
I do hope you'll get that one to work with.
I have a couple more but those I'll post tomorrow.  
As for now, I need to lay this body down and rest.
Sleep well my friends, and I'll talk to you again tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

PostHeaderIcon 2 new tags!!

Yes it's true, I've got 2 new tags to post for your viewing pleasure.  
These 2 tags were quite interesting to do.  First I didn't think I'd
like what they turned out to be and secondly, I didn't think anyone
else would either.  I was wrong on both fronts! LOL  I'll leave the
final judgements for you... here they are... both kits are from the
wonderfully talented scrapper, Wicked Princess. You can find
both of these scrapkits at Wicked Princess Scraps or at her
newest endeavor, PSP Asylum where she's working closely with
artist Gary Rudisill.  The first tag was created using scrapkit
"Justice Vampire".  The second tag was created using scrapkit
"Rock n Roll University".  You can get them both at

As always, to see the tag fullsized, just click the tag itself.  Enjoy!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Cluster Frames

Oy! Talk about being braindead!! I totally spaced putting these frames up... dunno why... I'm gonna blame my hubbin... I'm sure it's his fault... it's always the husband's fault... like everyone doesn't already know that! LOL Yeah... right.  Anyway, here they are! I used the lovely scrapkits "A Little Birdie Told Me" which is FTU so make sure you snatch that one up! Here are the frames I made for that kit, 
To see them full size just click them then right click from there to save them.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Here Come The Girls

This was made using Mystical-Illusionz's scrapkit "Mystical Garden" and
her poser's "Kymaleigh", "Celiste" and a freebie "Black Widow".
To see the tag fullsize just click on it!  Enjoy!

PostHeaderIcon Do NOT buy tubes from MPT..... Please beware everyone..

It has recently come to light from several artists (Ray Leaning, Michael Calandra, Robert Alvarado as well as several scrappers) that they have NOT been paid for purchases customers have made of their art since JANUARY! Yes, you read that right, January of 2011.  When Jo and the excellent staff she trained left, MPT basically went all the hell and back again.  You may have noticed that some of their biggest artists have left in recent weeks.  For instance Robert Alvarado left, he was pretty new to MPT but when one doesn't get paid for MONTHS yet they are selling tons of his art, well you don't hang around long in that situation.  He's now happily moved to PTE.  Michael Calandra just recently left MPT for PTE as well.  Nonpayment for goods sold was the main reason they left.

Now they have almost an even worse situation.  MPT refuses, by lack of action, to remove the art of the artists that have gone.  Unfortunately people have continued to purchase art from those artists erroneously listed on MPT.  The way the Zen Store is set up, if you choose things that are listed in the store and pay for those items, then they are automatically shipped/sent to you.  It takes no human interaction whatsoever.  Limited Editions, BOGO's, etc., those require human interaction in order to have those sent.  Those aren't being sent either.  MPT is keeping ALL of the money that is being spent there and the artists and scrappers are being totally ripped off. 

No one is responding to emails being sent to MPT.  Basically no one is running MPT, it's been absolutely abandoned.  There is no one left to remove the artist's work, no one is there to remove the scrapkits there, and no one is available to pay the artists.

If you are considering buying some new tubes, please, do NOT go to MPT.  I would suggest PTE, or PFD or PSP Asylum, or CDO or MTA or MtA or SATC.  There are tons of places to buy tubes from... please don't help MPT rip off the artists and scrappers that have put their things with MPT in good faith.

And always always be copyright right.  If you use tubes that have been shared illegally you hurt the artists who have every right to be paid for their hard work.  Do the right thing. You'll feel better.


Monday, August 8, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Your Fantasy...

This tag was created using "Yummy",
a scrapkit created by Mystical Illusionz
To see the full tag just click on it!  Enjoy!

PostHeaderIcon Just A Touch Too Much

This was created using the adorable cookie "Miss Jazzy" by Kris over at Mystic-Illusionz
Make sure you stop by and check out her cuties.  
The scrapkit is by Star over at StarGazer-Musings
She has some amazing scrapkits... make sure you check them out!
To see this tag fullsize, just click it!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Buried Treasure!!

I found me some Buried Treasure over at Wicked Princess Scraps!!  
To see this tag full size, just click on it!  Enjoy!

PostHeaderIcon "Date Night" kit by Wicked Princess

Seems my mojo has returned for the time being and 
I've been sorta busy tagging! Yay! I love to tag!
This lil cutie was made with the "Date Night" kit by Wicked Princess Scraps
I hope you like it!
To see the animation on the tag just click on it!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

PostHeaderIcon New CT group!!

I recently joined the CT for Kris of Tags by Kris and Mystical-Illusionz.
Her scrapkits and Cookies are fabulous! 
Make sure you check out her site as she has some fabulous stuff there!!  
Go see Kris at Mystical-Illusionz .  

Here's my first creation using her things, to see the full tag just click on it!
Isn't her Cookie, "Cherry" adorable? I just love her!  Enjoy!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Actual new tags!! How radical huh? LOL

Yeah, I know... it's been a bit since I've added anything new.  Well it seems my mojo, Archibald, has been hanging out with my friend's mojo down at the topless bar!!  Good for nothing Archie comes dragging home drunk off his butt and out of ones.  I tell ya... well I locked him in the cellar this weekend and I got some tags made!!  Unfortunately he found a window I missed and now I have to wait until he drags home again.

In the meantime, here are the tags I did manage to get made! 
Remember to see the tag full size, just click on it.

 This tag was created using the wonderful kit "Americana" by Wicked Princess Scraps.  It's a fabulous kit and very versatile!

This was made using the "Nikki" kit created for Gary Rudisill's wife, Nikki. How sweet is that?  The kit was made by Wicked Princess Scraps

This tag was actually made for the "Daily Tutorial" found at my forum home, PSP Party Central (PPC). The tut can be found at Horseplay's Pasture.

This is my very newest tag and it's a bit darker themed than I usually make, but I actually like the way it turned out hehehe  It was created with Wicked Princess Scrapkit "Masquerade Ball". I love the kit even though it is a bit dark.

That's it for now.  I'll be back very soon though, I think I got all the windows and doors freshly latched so I just need to catch Archie when he drags home again and I'll lock him down there! Then we'll have some new tags!! *G*  Be well my friends! 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

PostHeaderIcon New creation!

I used my daughter Toni's scrapkit, "PINK FROLIC" which you can get at Tinxs Scraps.  Drop by and check out her kits... they are quite lovely!  Anyway... here's my new tag...

I used the lovely artwork of Arthur Crowe which you can buy at 
As usual, if you want to see the full size tag, just click on it!  
Thanks for looking!
Friday, June 24, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Some new tags....

Here are few of my latest and greatest tags. I hope you like them.
I know I'm rather proud of them!  
To see any of the posted tags in full size just click the tag!

 This tag was created for a WWO on my forum home, PSP Party Central .
We have such fun there.  Drop by and join us!
All of the tags below were also offered as WWO at PSP Party Central .

I created this tag using the "Dangerously Sweet" scrapkit by 
Make sure you give her kits a look, they are very versatile and fun!

"Day Dreamer" was created using "Samantha the Sassy" 

 This tag is really special as it uses my daughter's scrapkit, "Stardrop Surprise" you can find it at Tinx's Scraps . She does lovely work and could really use your support. Thanks from a Mother's heart!

 "Intention" was created using "Angelic Katie" 
scrapkit from Wicked Princess Scraps .

 In all honesty, I don't remember which scrapkit I used on this one!! 

 This was created using a wonderful scrapkit that I cannot for the life of me remember the name of!
Arghhhhhhhhhh!! I hate when I do that!  
I'll find it and post a link... bad me!

PostHeaderIcon Hello Hello!! I'm back!

Well I think I found all the parts I wanted to change and fixed all the broken bits... if you see something let me know!!

I've got lots of new tags to show you! I've been quite busy!  So without further adieu... here we go!

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, June 2, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Hey all...

I'm under a slight state of construction LOL I'm trying to get my font colors, types and sizes under control but it's taking me a bit. Some of you know I'm going in tomorrow for another round of spinal and hip injections. Since they are so very painful, they use what they call "conscious sedation". Meaning, if ya talk to me I will wake up and answer coherently, but if left alone I happily snooze away. I always request the "double Golden Tequila with a double Black Velvet black" meaning, knock me out for the entire day and night. I don't sleep much due to the chronic pain, so they happily indulge me. So, on that note, I bid you all good-night and I'll see ya again on Saturday sometime. I'll finish "fixing" my blog then. *HUGS*n*PRAYERS*
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I'm so blown away!! I got another award!!

I am so totally surprised and amazed tonight!  I have been given another award by my dear friend Lesia.. she's amazing as a creator but more importantly as a friend.  I'm honored to call her friend.

This "Your Blog Rocks Award" came to me from Lesia.

This award is to acknowledge blogz that rock.
If you know a blog that rocks and want to give them this award
then send them a message saying... "Your Blog Rocks"
Since I have acceptedthis award from Kaci & wendy I must pass it onto
5 other people that I think their blogz rock.
There are no rules to this award
only that you send it to 5 people that you think deserve this award.
Make sure you leave them a message.
The 5 rockin blogz I picked are listed below.....
You ALL rock in my book!

Wow!! I got an award!!


WOW!! I just recieved my very 1st award!!
Thank you so much ♥Cheryl♥ !!  You so rock!!
Visit her blog here, Cheryl's Creative Chaos

The aim of the award is to bring recognition to blogs with minimal followers.
Since I have accepted the award I must pass it on to at least 3 other blogs
(but not more than 5), that have inspired me and I feel deserve a bit more attention.
The rules are to say thank you on my blog to the one who passed it on to me
with a link to their blog (see above). Pick the blogs to pass the award on to, 
leave a note on their blog and then list them with links to their blogs.
Without further adieu, here are the blogs I've choosen:
Tinx's Scraps 
Lady Dragus at Dragon's Art and Ramblings
Creations By Witchysheart
Wicked Princess Scraps
PSP Party Central Blog

Again, thank you Cheryl, you really made my day!
*HUGS* ♥♥♥ *MWAH*

Friday, May 27, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Yay! construction/rearranging finished for this week. =)

Finally got all my blinkies sorted and arranged and ... well you know, the usual housecleaning as I grow, as it were.  
Thanks for your patience while I got it all entered.  

Hey if ya want a very tres kewl to come play, MindyMae's forum, PSP Party Central (PPC).  We have all kinds of fun challenges, contests, etc.  You can earn PPC Points which will enable you to buy our Exclusive tubes by several very talented artists.  
Arthur Crowe and The Hunter are just two of our artists.

So come on by, tell 'em Sassy sent ya ;)  Let's have fun and hang out together... you never know who your next best friend just might be!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Under construction

Today there is some rearranging and adding and combining and.... well, put on your hardhat and forgive the mess.  I'm doing some updates and life keeps getting in my way. I know!! How dare it!  But, until I can finish, things may look a bit undone and some links may not work and lots of stuff has disappeared.... but that's all just a matter of time.

Watch this space later tonight and tomorrow.  It'll be all shiny clean and it'll have sparkles and bells and whistles and stuff!  Ok.. so maybe there won't be all of that... but it'll be finished and looking good! ;)

Thanks for your patience.  More tags to see later too! Whoooowheeeee huh? Yeah!! That's what I'm talkin' about!  LOL  See ya'll later.  *HUGS* n ~~wavies~~
Sunday, May 22, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Another PPC Exclusive Commission with a matching Scrapkit!

The tube used in this tag is an exclusive commission for my sweet friend Mindy Mae. She was so jazzed by the results of her request she created a scrapkit for it.  So naturally I just had to use it!  You can get them both at PSP Party Central (PPC).  The requirements are easy... become an active member and VOILA! you too can have access to the exclusives tubes and scrapkits plus lots of other stuff including new friends and some of the best fun you'll find anywhere online!

Click the tag to see it full sized! Enjoy! 

PostHeaderIcon A new tag just cuz...

Created this tag with the "Opposites Attract - Dark" by Wicked Princess.

As usual, to see the full size tag give her a click!  Enjoy!

PostHeaderIcon A PPC Exclusive from Wendy Gerber

I happily spend my time helping my wonderful friend Mindy Mae as a Mod atPSP Party Central, (PPC)  It's a great place filled with some of my very best friends on the web. This fabulous exclusive commission tube is available for the ACTIVE members of PPC.  Wouldn't you just love to have this tube? Well come on and hang out with us at PPC!  Not only will you have access to this and other tubes, we also have scrapkits and other stuff.  But the best part of hanging out there are all the wonderful folks you'll meet. We have tons of fun there. 
Come on over and join us! You won't be sorry! 

To see the tag full size just click on it!  Enjoy!

PostHeaderIcon Mama's Garden

This kit is so gorgeous you just have to get it and try it out.
I hope you enjoy the kit as much as I did. 
You can find the kit at Wicked Princess Scraps .
As always, to see the full size tag, just click on it!  Enjoy!

PostHeaderIcon Dark Angel tag

This kit is way fun and very versatile.  Make sure you check it out, Wicked Princess.
Remember, to see the full sized tag, just click on it!

PostHeaderIcon Darling Nikki CT tag

Here's yet another tag I made recently using Wicked Princess' "Darling Nikki" kit... it's just so cute!  Remember, to see the full sized tag, just click on it!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Ride a Cowboy!!

Well Wicked Princess has scored big time with the kit! It's just too cute for words and so very versatile!  Here's the first tag of many, I'm sure, using her new kit. 

To see the full size tag, just click the tag itself!  
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Scraps by Wicked Princess on sale at Twilight Scraps!

My very very precious friend of Wicked Princess Scraps, is having a mondo sale at TWILIGHT SCRAPS.

Check this out:

You just can't pass up this sale... you might not see it again anytime soon.  And honestly, her kits are some of the VERY BEST I've ever had the honor of using.  It's true... check it out, you'll see what I mean.  Remember, TWILIGHT SCRAPS... be there!
Monday, April 25, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Lil Bo Peeps

Such a lovely kit this is!  Wicked Princess really outdid herself with this one! All the pinks are SO pretty!!  You can buy this kit at Twilight Scraps... go get it and have some fun! ;)

PostHeaderIcon The Clubhouse

This kit is SO versatile!!  It's called "The Clubhouse" but as you can see, I "steampunked" it!  This was just fun to use and you can do so much with it.
Wicked Princess created it and you can buy it at Twilight Scraps.
(To see it full size, just give the tag a click!)

PostHeaderIcon Acid Rock

Now this was WAY fun to work with.  I highly recommend the scrapkit Acid Rock by Wicked Princess. It's so vibrant you'll get tons of ideas when you open this one!   Of course you can buy it at Twilight Scraps.
(The full size tag is just a click away!)

PostHeaderIcon Elegant Soiree

This kit, Elegant Soiree, by Wicked Princess, is so very lovely... it was fun to work with.  You can buy this kit at Twilight Scraps.
(To see the tag full sized, just click it!)

Hello! I'm Sassy. I'm a SAHW happily married to the man who's absolutely my soulmate. I've been PSP'ing for about 20 yrs. Most of it was hit and miss as there was not a real tagging world out there in the beginning. I started with JASC PSP v.1.01, yeah, back when dirt was still in BETA =) I love creating, be it tags, webpages, blog layouts, timeline headers and making my own blinkies. I've just recently started creating digital scrapkits. I'm having fun and my creativity has gotten the boost it needed. I am a happy CT Manager for Wicked Princess of WP Scraps fame and glory. Want to know anything else, just hollar! I might even answer! ;)

Here's my blinkie, if you want it, snag it. If you'd like to see your blinking on my page, send it to me! Enjoy!

*HUGS*n*BLESSINGS* to all! ♥ ♥ ♥
